Here was our schedule:
6:30AM - Girls & I are up and moving, getting dressed, breakfast & coffee, & chores.
8AM - Bug up, dressed & breakfast
9AM - MATH REVIEW & Independent work on workbook pages (I worked with Cricket on preparing her "school" room with posters of her colors, ABCs, and numbers! FUN!)
10AM - Break/Snack
10:20AM - HANDWRITING REVIEW & Cursive Lowercase Workbook Page
11AM - Break - Playtime
11:30AM - LUNCH
1PM - Errands
1:30PM - SPELLING REVIEW & Worksheet
2PM - READING & Quiet Time
3PM - Snack
3:15PM - Free Time for video games, friends, etc...
5PM - Dinner & Chores
6:30PM - Baths/Showers/PJs
7:15PM - Cricket to Bed
8:30PM - Bug to Bed
It was a simple day, with only review of information from before the summer, but it was a start! More importantly though, it was an ENCOURAGING START!! I am looking forward to today and what it brings!

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