It is my baby's 1 year birthday!! Where did the time go? We have been so busy during this last year that it has literally blown right past! I remember all to clearly the events of her couldn't have been a YEAR ago, could it?!? LOL
For her birthday, we invited our neighbors over for dinner, cake, and presents! She had a good time, I think! We got her a "Little People" themed cake and she had her own "smash cake" too! We centered the majority of her gifts around the "Little People" theme...even the neighbors brought over a HUGE set of them for her!! (We now have more of these little figures than Toys R Us, I think!! LOL)
Anyhow, the party was a success and Baby Blue danced and played in her party dress! Today, she decided that since she is now a "big girl" that there will be no more crawling! Nope, she walking everywhere she goes now! baby is getting big too fast!!
Here are some highlights from the day...

Time really does fly by, doesn't it!?
The party looks like it was a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing.
I don't think any of us in that picture would mind if you deleted it....just a suggestion ;)
Thanks for letting me vent today!
LOL - nope, it is set in stone now!
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