So, let me start by saying that I am on my own for awhile. Flyboy is in Japan, has been for nearly 3 weeks, and we have about 10 more days to go. So, I'm playing "single mom" for the time being. I have all the respect in the world for the single Moms of the world. Its not an easy road, and I am only doing it for a short period of time!
With all of that being said, let me just start. Today. It was not the best of times, it was not the worst of times. Bug was definitely in good spirits today. (Why not? I let him sleep until 9AM and took him to school late because he was up for the majority of the night.)
-- Oh, did I tell you that Bug is now attending public school? Yep, he is in the regular school, but in a discipline "challenged" class with 12 other kids. (more on that another time tho?)
The girls...well, they were another story. Cricket is almost 5 now and she is smart as a whip! Baby Blue (aka GIDGET) is 2 1/2 now! Can you believe it? Time flies when you are having fun, I guess! Cricket was full of P&V as usual...correcting me, telling me why she didn't need to follow directions, trying to boss the rest of the family around (which goes over wonderfully...even the dog (oh yes, I said DOG) is irritated by the bossiness). Gidget is now forming her own thoughts and opinions on things and due to her advanced speaking capabilities, feels the need to tell me every thought and opinion that comes to her mind. (Like yelling "DAMMIT!" when she is frustrated with whatever she is toying with...whoops.) So, me, being on a war path today in general, put on a movie for the girls and got busy attempting to clean in between "MOM!" and poop duty. I got a decent amount done...even found a great recipe for dinner (which is getting complaints and they don't even know what is in it)....feeling better about the house and my situation tonight. (Yes, the glass of wine helps, I won't lie.) After MY trip to Target, I think even the cashier needed a glass of wine tonight. Gidget refused to keep her clothes on and was screaming at the top of her lungs with big ol' tears running down her cheeks because I (God forbid) made her sit in the cart so she wouldn't fall out (again). And Cricket was yelling "Can I have...." to everything that she saw and when I said "no" she would collapse into a puddle of crocodile tears. I walked thru the store smiling at everyone. Thier looks were not as nice. I got everything from the "oh honey, I'm so sorry" and "I understand your pain" to the "OMG, did you beat them" and "shhh...if you stand very still maybe they will go away" looks. Sad. And I just continued to shop.
Fast Forward to now...

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