Man, oh man, is Gidget ever a Daddy's Girl! She loves him to pieces! She cracks me up because she will stomp and throw fits with me, but the moment Flyboy gets home, she is all sugar and spice!! As soon as I get the "I'm on my way home" call from Flyboy, Gidet is pulling at my shirt...."Mom! Can I go sit on the outside steps and wait for my Daddy to get home!?!" I promise you she does this ONLY for him!
Me?? Chopped. Liver. But, that is OK. While I am envious of their realtionship, I am not jealous. She likes me when she needs to or just happens to be in a "sweet to everyone" mood. Regardless, I love her to death!
She is an amazing little girl...strong, independant, witty, smart, funny, caring, determined, beautiful, spirited, energetic.
She holds her Daddy's heart in the palm of her hand and has since the day she came into this world.
She is her sister's best friend and her brother's biggest fan.
I have NO DOUBT that she will go far in life! :-)
xoxoxoxox Cricket!

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