What a long day it has been aboard the Bullet Train. I don't even know where to start. The morning started out OK, I suppose. (If getting woke up at 5:30 AM by a toddler wrestling you in bed is your sort of thing.) Cricket was a grump -- even though she was the one who insisted that we wake up with the sun. Baby Blue was her normal happy morning self. At 7:00 AM, I decide to get Bug up, as the neighbor and I were going to some garage sales and her husband volunteered to watch my 2 older kids along with his own 2 kids. (Brave man, I know!) So, by 7:30 we were all up, dressed, and walking out the door. So, the morning gets off to a great start!! YAY!
We returned home from the garage sale outing at around 10:15 or so. The kids had been GREAT! I told my neighbor that I was sure the kids were saving all the bad behavior for me! LOL (Little did I know how right I was!)
The kids and I got home and right away they were begging me to let them go swimming in our small, plastic pool. OK - why not!?! I helped them wriggle into their bathing suits and slathered them with sunscreen and sent them out the door. Before I could even close the door, the two of them were already bickering. I didn't think a lot of it, as this is typical at my house, and I continued inside. Within 3 minutes they were both standing at the window, looking in at me and screaming about the all-to-common "he did it/she did it" arguments. Well, as usual, I played referee for the rest of the time that they played in the pool. (Lucky me.)
Lunch time came around too quickly and I had to get the kids out of the bathing suits and back into their street clothes - since we had to run some errands and pick up lunch. No problems. We get loaded into the car and buckled up, when I hear "Mommy, I need to go pee" coming from Cricket. Sigh. Alright, we unbuckle and run back inside to the bathroom. Whew - made it! Now we are back in the car and on our way to Subway for some well deserved grub. As we are 3/4 of the way there, Bug says "Mom, I don't have my shoes on!" I grumbled and said something along the lines of "why did you take them off in the car anyhow??" Then he assures me that he didn't take them off in the car...because HE NEVER PUT THEM ON IN THE FIRST PLACE! Ugh. Alright, so now I am thinking about how I am certain to look like the crazy Mom that doesn't put shoes on her kids when taking them into public EATING facilities! Great. We get out at Subway and Bug decides that the parking lot is HOT on his feet (duh, it is 95 degrees outside) and takes off running as fast as he can for the shaded sidewalk. Meanwhile, I am trying to carry Baby Blue in her car seat and keep Cricket (who wants to run like her brother) in my grasp as we cross the parking lot. We got inside...I made Bug sit on his knees in the closest booth to the door that I could find, hoping that no one saw his bare feet. OK, so I ordered lunch, we ate, and all went smoothly. (Ahhhh.....) I ran into the grocery store for a couple of items and, as always, Cricket wanted to ride on the bottom of the cart. Sure, why not!?! She has done it a million times before, so I didn't even think twice about her climbing on. Well, about 1/2 way through our shopping, my cart slows down for some reason and all of the sudden Cricket is crying. I stop immediately what I am doing and grab her from the bottom of the cart to find out what is wrong. It turns out that she decided to let her hair hang down to the floor while riding. I am sure you can see where this is going... Yep, some of her hair got ran over and RIPPED from her head!! Once she was calmed down, we finished our shopping and went home. It was at home that I noticed the BALD spot on the top of her head from the incident! Poor thing! LOL - I couldn't help but laugh. (She says she won't hang her head off the cart anymore!!)
Later in the day, Bug came into to rat himself out! (I love that!) He said that he had taken 2 quarters out of my garage sale money bag. I am thinking that "OK, this is the first I have had to deal with stealing from him, so I am going to give him the 'Stealing isn't right' talk and be done with it." That is what I did. The day continues on as usual...me, playing referee, and the kids being little monsters. Eventually I got to the end of my patience and put both kids to bed early. I went outside to turn the sprinkler off (yes, I remembered to water the lawn!) - and the darn thing looked like Old Faithful, the geyser, because the top had blown off and the water was shooting straight up into the air! Perfect! (I wonder how long I flooded that 1 section of lawn!?!) I came inside and actually got to shower and have some "me" time even for about 30 minutes before bed! YAY! Once I was in bed...yep, the day doesn't end there in this house...Bug was out of bed and in my room 3 times for the typical "I am hungry" or "I am scared" reasons. (Scared the lights out of me to see his little shadow in my room at first!) Anyhow, I sent him back to bed each time and I finally got to sleep. What a day...

Ouch! It made a bald spot!? Poor thing.
Hope the rest of the week is more calm (but we both know it won't be, right?).
Great to see you on Flickr! It is a great place to back-up files, share photos, etc...
I marked you as a friend on there so you can see pictures of the kids.
It NEVER calms down around here! (And I only have 3 kids!!) Loving Flikr! I also like the bighugelabs! Thanks!
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