Can I just say that I LOVE the "Jon & Kate Plus 8" show on DHC! I am officially addicted to it! LOL One of the things that I love the most is how amazingly calm and "together" Kate and Jon seem to be, no matter how crazy the situation is! I could only DREAM of keeping my cool like that -- and I only have 3 kids!! This show does, however, help me to keep the perspective on my own situation. While they seem to excel at having 8 children (6 of which are 3 years old), I thank my lucky stars that I don't have that many kids! LOL Kate is a great model of what a "real" Mom is (not some perfect, Brady Bunch Mom).
Anyhow, I just wanted to throw it out there that this is a great show, especially for us overwhelmed parents! It is nice to just sit down and get a good laugh over everyday life situations! (It helps me to laugh at my own situations even!) Again, I am completely in awe of this family and how functional they seem to be! (I wonder if they feel that they are doing as well as they make it look??)

What amazes me the most is that they don't eat a lot of fast easy foods. Kate said the kids have NEVER eaten at McDonalds because she wants them to be healthy. That is dedication. I used to watch this show a lot but we don't get that channel anymore. :-(
No kidding! (According to their website, Kate says she spends $600-$800 a month on food - and she tries to get as much Organic food as possible.) We eat out a couple times a week, which I feel bad about, but I don't have the energy to cook, clean up, and do baths every night!
We do bath night once a week and eat out all the time. So kill me. I can't live just to clean and cook! It sure gets expensive though. A little food planning would do us a lot of good.
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