My Mom & Dad came down on Thursday for a visit! It was a good time and I think that everyone enjoyed themselves, for the most part. We celebrated Cricket's birthday on the 4th of July with a cookout/party and then fireworks afterwards! I can't believe that she is 3 already! Where does the time go??
(I assure you that America was not the only one celebrating its INDEPENDENCE on this day!)
The kids swam, tumbled in the yard, played on the swing set, and seemed to have a good time!

After the presents and cake, it was time for the FIREWORKS!! Randy & our neighbor, Craig, were in charge of the fireworks. They did a very nice job, I think!
(Thanks guys! ~ And a special thanks goes out to our neighbors for taking control of the cooking and serving of food while I had my hands full with other things!!)

So, that was what we did on our 4th of July! I foresee a lot of Birthday/4th of July celebrations in the future!!
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