Bug's grades have been Outstanding! We couldn't ask for more! Mostly straight A's with an occasional B here or there. But, what we have to keep in mind is that Bug is succeeding in a discipline focused class where he has tons of individual attention to help him figure things out and to help him stay on task as he progresses thru the day.
On the discipline side, Bug is doing OK. He has fewer outbursts in class and tends to have less anxiety related issues as well. He still has his share of dirty looks, muttering under his breath, and snide comments though. He doesn't have a lot of confidence in himself with some subjects and would rather give up than to push through it.
So, at the end of the meeting, we decided that next year (6th grade) Bug will be in 2 "main stream" classes (Social Studies & Science), will have the rest of his subjects in the "resource room" which has less students and a couple of teachers for more personal attention, and will continue to stay in the "discipline focused" class that he is in now for "homeroom." This was he is branching out a little, but IF he is having a really tough day, he can talk to his homeroom teacher and spend the day in there if need be.
I am comfortable with this decision. I think that Bug could really benefit from moving a step closer to being in a "typical" school setting. But, on the flip side, I am nervous for him. He is my baby and I don't want to push him too hard and then watch him fail. He is doing so well right now and has built up his self confidence in his ability to make it through a school day. I am praying that this move next year doesn't result in a step or two backwards. But, we won't know if we don't try......

1 comment:
I think it's great that you're sharing this with us on your blog. My 15 year old son has been receiving special education services since he was in kindergarten due to ADHD issues. He also received speech therapy for a few years. It's been a long, ever-evolving journey one with twists and turns. Just know that unless he's challenged to learn in a mainstream setting, you'll never know what he's capable of. There is no failing. I know at times it can be frustrating and scary and as a mother you don't want your child to hurt or be afraid. You are doing a fantastic job by remaining involved in his IEP meetings. Some parents don't care. You are your child's number one advocate, his biggest cheerleader and his voice. Keep up the great work mama!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my "Child Sexual Abuse" post. I promise it's not always so depressing over at my blog. lol Thanks again.
Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud
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