Anyway, I am getting away from where I was going...oh yes, the Child Psych visit.
After a long discussion with Dr. B regarding all of the issues that have been arising, it was decided that Bug really did need to start Lithium for his moods. Lithium is a mood stabilizing medication that will, with any luck, help keep Bug's moods from shifting so greatly. (His lows won't be SO low and his manias won't be SO manic.) In a perfect world, he will hover around the middle ground or a more "normal" everyday mood. (I am very hopeful that this will be the outcome of this medication...for Bug's sake...and for our family's sake.)
So, we are starting out with 300mg/day for 4 days and then increasing it to 600mg/day after that. He will need to have blood tests done from time to time to make sure his blood levels are doing OK with the Lithium. (The kidneys will attempt to filter the medication out of his blood - so it is important to make sure we have enough Lithium in his system to keep the kidneys from being able to completely filter it out, but not too much at the same time.) We will keep a close eye on any side effects that may occur as well. We head back to see Dr. B again in 2 weeks. That is it from here for now...I will update in a few days! Wish us luck!!

You are always in my thoughts! I hope this is working out for him.
Thanks Shanda! I appreciate the thoughts and hope that you are sending our way!
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